TIS lucrează împreună cu alte companii pentru a asigura soluţii integrate. Şi oferă produse de cea mai bună calitate cu tehnologie incorporată de cea mai bună calitate.

Arhitectura deschisă TIS se integrează uşor cu multe sisteme. Aceasta integrare creşte semnificativ confortul şi funcţionalitatea, atât a TIS cât şi a tehnologiei companiilor aliate.

Protocol TIS Supported

Beside TIS-BUS Protocol, TIS also support the following protocols to work with its products.

Modbus is a serial communications protocol originally published by Modicon (now Schneider Electric) in 1979 for use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Modbus has become a de facto standard communication protocol and is now a commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices.

TIS - Modbus

One of the power sources for TIS Control Ltd. to maintain a trusted and popular smart home supplier is the network of well-reputed alliances it offers. ZigBee protocol, one of the leading open global networks supporting wireless and battery-powered devices, is now officially a TIS alliance.

TIS - ZigBee

KNX, este un standard deschis pentru automatizarea de clădiri comerciale şi domestice. Dispozitivele KNX pot gestiona iluminatul jaluzelele şi obloanele, aerul condiţionat, sistemele de securitate, energia, sistemul audio şi video, electrocasnicele mari, ecranele şi telecomenzile.

KNX este produs în Europa de mai mulţi producători.

TIS are propria deschidere TIS KNX care se integrează perfect cu iluminatul, motorizarea, tehnologia infraroşu şi aerul condiţionat KNX.

TIS KNX Member

Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI)) este o marcă înregistrată pentru sistemele bazate pe reţea, care controlează iluminatul în automatizarea clădirii. Tehnologia de bază a fost stabilită, de un consorţiu de producători de echipamente de iluminat, ca un succesor al sistemului de control a iluminatului de 0-10V, dar şi ca alternativă standard pentru Digital Signal Interface (DSI), pe care se bazează.

TIS Dali 64 protocol

DMX512 (Digital Multiplex) este un standard pentru reţelele de comunicare digitală care sunt des folosite pentru controlul luminilor de scenă şi al efectelor. A devenit metoda principală pentru conectarea variatoarelor, a benzilor cu leduri colorate, şi a dispozitivelor de efecte speciale precum maşinile de fum şi luminile inteligente.

TIS DMX 512 protocol

Voice Assistant and Skills

TIS also support important voice assistants and important application integration worldwide, here is the list of TIS supported platforms:

Amazon Alexa, cunoscut ca şi Alexa, este un asistent virtual dezvoltat de Amazon, folosit pentru prima dată în difuzoarele inteligente Amazon Echo şi Amazon Echo Dot dezvoltate de Amazon. Oferă control vocal complet asupra sistemului TIS de automatizare a casei.

TIS - Amazone Alexa
Google Assistant

Dedicated to bringing the most while keeping it unique to each user’s need, TIS and Google Assistant are now officially joined to create a safe and convenient network of smart devices that work harmoniously for utmost user satisfaction.

Google Assistant
Apple Home Kit

The integration of TIS Control's advanced automation capabilities with Apple HomeKit is a major breakthrough for the smart home and hotel industry. Users can now easily manage the various features of their smart homes or hotel accommodations directly on their iOS devices, including lighting, temperature, and audio/visual systems, among others. Additionally, users can create advanced scenes triggered by a single tap or voice commands to Siri.

Apple Home Kit

IFTTT which derives its name from the statement “if this, then that”, is a platform for advanced conditional commands among different apps, services, and devices. This software has helped numerous devices connect and become automated since 2011, and now it is also applied to empower more features in the TIS system.

Alica Yandex

Aleca Yandex is known for its highly advanced voice recognition technology, and the integration with TIS Control's smart home solutions brings a new level of convenience, accessibility, efficiency, and functionality to Russian-speaking users. With just a few simple commands, users can now control their entire smart home ecosystem, making it easier than ever to create the perfect ambiance and day-to-day experience in their homes or hotels.

Alica Yandex
Iridium mobile

The official collaboration with Iridium Communications is a big step forward for us in TIS as it helps us offer a more user-friendly and accessible control dashboard to users.

Iridium mobile


The TIS works with many manufacturers to ensure that our systems integrate reliably with other products.

We offer interface solutions such as: RS-232, RS485, and Ethernet. We believe partnering manufacturers with configurable smart solutions expands our business.

And in order to ensure a functional integration we provide our partners with documentation, product, and technical support.

The followings are a number of products and companies we work with:


This cooperation, which is a major step forward for both TIS Smart Home and Control4, is a professional attempt to cover the diversities of users’ needs and likes all over the world. The TIS-Control4 Driver broadens control options over intelligent solutions with a more enjoyable and high-end network of automatic functions.


Integration of TIS Control with Crestron is good news for smart home lovers looking to experience a new level of control over their homes. With this integration, users can now use Crestron's user-friendly interface to access and control TIS smart home features, thereby simplifying the process of managing their smart homes.


TIS Control is now officially business partners with Elan Smart systems, a leading provider of intelligent home automation systems. This exciting collaboration will allow users to seamlessly integrate TIS Control's smart home products with Elan's home automation solutions, creating a smoother and simpler home management experience.


Remote Technologies Incorporated (RTI) is a leading control systems manufacturer offering innovative, sophisticated, and user-friendly devices for professionally installed electronic systems.

Philipps Dynalite

Both TIS and Dynalite come with practical flexibility in design which guarantees customized use of smart lamps, LEDs, network gateways, etc. based on needs and energy efficiency policies. Feel free to configure your Dynalite-powered devices into TIS automation and control everything under one single network.

Without the need to buy more products, users can upgrade their home automation by integrating TIS and Dynalite systems and have lighting solutions to work with other components such as curtains, audio-visual, temperature, and healthcare solutions. Plus, they can navigate all through their TIS App.

Philipps Dynalite

If you have a Jablotron alarm in your smart home, you can integrate and control it via the TIS network henceforward. Considering the long experience of Jablotron in the production of security systems, you can rest assured that once integrated with TIS home automation, your property’s security and safety are fully guaranteed.


Utilizând tehnologia UPB®inventată de PCS, variatoarele şi tastaturile folosesc cablajul standard rezidenţial (sistem electric 120/208/240V cu fir neutru la fiecare locaţie a comutatorului) pentru a controla şi crea scene dramatice fără a fi nevoie de montarea de cabluri auxiliare – oferind o opţiune accesibilă de control flexibil a luminii.

TIS se integrează perfect cu gama de produse Powerline Control Systems (PCS) PlusWorx.

TIS UPB Lighting

Automatizarea HVAC Cool Automation reprezintă experţi specializaţi în dezvoltarea, proiectarea şi producţia de produse de control unice şi soluţii pentru sistemele HVAC. Folosirea produselor noastre face că integrarea complicatelor sisteme de aer condiţionat VRV/VRF cu sistemul de control Home automation şi BMS să fie uşoară, simplă şi directă.

TIS Cool Automation for VRV AC

Intesis Box

Intesisbox provides a range of communication gateway solutions and interfaces with supervision and bidirectional control capabilities. It makes monitoring HVAC systems and maintaining energy savings easy. The technology behind this protocol enables TIS to offer an easy-to-use and reliable smart package for any type of project.

Intesis Box

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