TIS Exhibition in Greece

In October 2022, TIS control attended the Energia Tec exhibition in Greece and showcased its cutting-edge range of smart home and home automation solutions, including lighting, climate control, and security systems. TIS has been at the forefront of developing smart building technology for years, providing advanced solutions that offer convenience, safety, and energy optimization to building occupants.

The Energia Tec exhibition is a platform that brings together experts, manufacturers, and technology providers in the energy and building technology sectors. The exhibition is focused on showcasing the latest and most innovative technology that promotes energy efficiency, sustainable living, and safer environments. This exhibition is a highly significant event in the industry, providing an excellent opportunity for networking, business collaborations, and discovering new markets for exhibitors.

The TIS Control booth was a major highlight of the event. Visitors to the booth were given a chance to explore the range of products and discuss their benefits with TIS Control's expert team. The booth was highly interactive, providing visitors with opportunities to test the products, see how they worked, and learn more about their capabilities. The exhibition served as an excellent platform for TIS Control to showcase their latest products and demonstrate their commitment to providing customers with the most user-friendly, efficient, and convenient smart home solutions.

Through this participation, TIS representatives highlighted the company’s mission in creating solutions that reduce environmental impact and promote energy efficiency. In this international event, TIS experts had the opportunity to network and collaborate with other industry players and interact with other stakeholders to exchange ideas, share knowledge and market trends.

Such collaborations will further TIS' position as a leading provider of smart building solutions and enable it to grow its market even further. Moreover, TIS' engagement in this exhibition was a testimony to its commitment to driving innovation and sustainability in the building technology sector.

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