Lesson 1 TIS Application ( TIS automation smart control +)
30 Minutes
How to Programming TIS APP
Question And Answers
what is the correct way to add new project in App?
A - Open Setting , select room manager and add new project
B - Open Setting , select Project setting and add project
C - Open Setting , select Home page Settings and add new project
What you need to do to enable control your project via internet remotly?
A - configure the setting of your phone network
B - Set the configuration of your ip com port gateway in your app network setting
C - configure the setting of your room setting
Where I can add Security system?
A - from Home page Settings
B - from project setting
C - from room manger
D - from device address setting
What is the type you need to select to use curtain position control mode (0%..100%)?
A - Curtain Switch
B - Single Channel B
C - Single Channel A
in Security section how many type of Sensor we had to read sensor state?
A - 1
B - 2
C - 3
D - 4
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