TIS BUS Product TIS BUS Product

    UPC 606795208708

    EAN 0606795208708


Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Saturn Remote - your trusted companion in the TV room

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

seamlessly set the mood: direct buttons for TV and cinema control

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Everything you need in a single, beautiful interface

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Enhanced visibility, even in darkness: backlit buttons for theater mode

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Stay powered up: long battery life and convenient charging dock

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Featuring a handheld controller for on-the-go convenience

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Engage the whole family! Easy and enjoyable control, even for kids

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