TIS BUS Product TIS BUS Product

Saturn 40: the sleek 4-inch screen that will transform your room


    UPC 658921798904

    EAN 0658921798904



    UPC 658921798911

    EAN 0658921798911


Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

All you need, one beautiful interface: simplify your life with our comprehensive solution

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Experience stunning clarity: high-resolution 4-inch screen with wide-angle view for immersive visuals

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Seamless connectivity: our interface features TIS-BUS connection or Wi-Fi for effortless integration

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Enhanced intercom functionality: answer your intercom calls using the same smart screen from the comfort of your room

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Call other rooms: you can call from screen to screen , call your family members for dinner.

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