TIS BUS Product TIS BUS Product

    UPC 606795206827

    EAN 0606795206827



    UPC 658921799031

    EAN 0658921799031


Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Seamless integration made effortless with TIS Rs232 RS485 Module

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

With this module, embrace ASCII, Hex, and pre-integrated protocols for an elevated experience

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Master your climate control: seamlessly command Actron AC, Daikin, and more with VRF AC control.

Take charge of your heating system for optimal comfort and convenience

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Seamless integration with Philips Dynalite

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Flawless integration with C-Bus Clipsal system - customize your environment with ease

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Effortlessly arm and disarm any area in the Jablotron Security System with our cutting-edge module

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Seamless integration with CADA Software: monitor and control all TIS devices easily with Modbus RTU protocol

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Take full control of PCS UPB lighting system and customize your lighting experience

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Compatibility with 3rd party AC gateways: connect and control your HVAC System through popular AC gateways like Intesis Box and Cool Automation

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Connect and monitor TIS Energy Meter and Water Meter with our module, enabling easy management and control of your energy consumption

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