TIS BUS Product TIS BUS Product

    UPC 606795206865

    EAN 0606795206865


Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Upgrade to the future: Discover the TIS-22DL-DIN, your solution for switching to digital switches with ease

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Enhanced Home Security and Safety: Perfect for Connecting Door/Window Contacts and Smoke Detectors to Digital Switches

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Say goodbye to normal switches and hello to the TIS-22DL-DIN, your gateway to a smart and efficient home

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Enjoy full Modbus RTU compatibility with the tis gateway – It enables you to monitor all sensors with SCADA software or TIS BMS software for comprehensive control

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