TIS BUS Product TIS BUS Product

    UPC 658921799024

    EAN 0658921799024


Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Simplify Your BMS with TIS. Discover seamless analog input management with our 0-10V Module

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Enhanced Control: Maximize potential with 4x analog 0-10 voltage inputs

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Connect any analog 0-10v sensor and dive into the world of real-time value monitoring

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

With capability to monitor water tank levels and trigger pump activation for seamless water management

Closing shutters in storms automatically Closing shutters in storms automatically

Fully integrated with Modbus RTU via TIS gateway, empowering SCADA or TIS BMS Software for comprehensive monitoring and control

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